11 Jun

Just spent a couple of days at the RSPB nature reserve Ouse Fen. What a wonderful place, always good to leave your home territory and travel to another area. Saw three firsts, a bittern, three hares and marsh harriers were dancing in the sky above my head most of the first day. 

Having worked with Koniks several times, I was looking forward to meeting a new herd. My two days were split between running a 'Managing Equines for Conservation Grazing Course' with a mixture of abilities to include novice volunteers and some very experienced wardens from RSPB Minsmere. Whilst providing the Ouse Fen team some 1:1 guidance in management systems.

The feral fillies arrived a month ago. Once they settle in and find their hooves, bucket training can commence. This will make life much easier when moving them around the various compartments. It will just take a little while for the fillies to find something they like the taste of. It will be easier in the winter when they are hungrier and the team aren't competing with such lush grazing during training.

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